Saturday 10 August 2013

Hello and welcome to -

A Student's Guide to KickAss Cocktails

This may not seem like the manliest choice of topic and don't get me wrong... there is nothing I like more in this whole world than an ice cold draught (Castle Lite being my particular poison)... but if I'm feeling a little more Bond and a little less Boet - Cocktails are the way to go!  They allow you to feel slightly more sophisticated for a short period of time while still helping you achieve that buzz you undoubtedly set out for.

Cocktails have always been a small passion of mine, but being a student (on a student's budget) means that until recently, I've been unable to fully enjoy this little vice!

Through this blog I hope to open you up to the world of cocktails. Things on the menu over the next few weeks include:

  • a brief history of cocktails
  • recipes to some of the most sinfully delectable drinks around
  • reviews of various cocktail hot-spots and hangouts

I know just how tough it is to balance your budget while still managing to enjoy the student life. While most people undoubtedly love the occasional cocktail, thanks to their astronomical prices, that's usually all it is...occasional. I aim to show that this doesn't have to be the case! While this is primarily a student's guide, it is not an exclusive club and any enthusiasts are more than welcome - so spread the word! 

Lastly, please comment and share any stories you may have... whether you've had an awesome cocktail somewhere and want to tell the world, received terrible service and want to expose, or have a great idea for a drink... please feel free to leave your mark!